I’m back!


I’m finally back up and running, and this is the first test image to come out 🙂  I’m quite pleased with the textures.  Voltaire’s torso, the displacement turned out perfectly.  This was rendered in Daz/3Delight.  Lux is not installed yet, and Lux does not do anything with displacement maps, at least not that I’ve seen.  That is the one thing I have against it at the moment, I cannot use it on any veined/scarred/branded/tattooed characters.  I’m still back and forth on rendering.  I love both engines for different reasons and really wish I could just merge the two sometimes.  Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know I am back up and running and I should be back to work on more images (still installing the dreaded content again)



Owarell’s alter Vamp self better be careful.  He cannot enjoy too much of the sunrise.



Practice run of Owarell as a Vampire, because I had a dream that he was one.  Not too far off from a Wraith really 🙂  Still need to make some minor tweaks, but I like what I have so far.

Let there be light….beams


Ok, now that I got that out of the way…. you sure you heard me right? I made light beams.  Yes I did. Look , here’s proof.  Granted, it’s not a finished render, it’s rather noisy, but I DID IT! and guess what, I’m proud of myself 🙂


This makes me extremely happy, as I’ve been wanting to make them for a long time now, I’ve had grand ideas that, well, I just couldn’t do for lack of knowledge and understanding of how things work in Lux.  Slowly bit by bit I am learning.  Sure, it makes me mad, I quit for a week or two, swear I’m never touching that software again, I cuss at it, I am in a foul mood, etc.  When all that is over though, just the freedom to push beyond the borders of Daz makes me try again.  The ability to turn virtually anything into a light.  The ability to make light rays.  I do need to find a way to get around the colored light hurdle that plagues me, but have been told that I could possibly put up a colored glass plane…. and have the light shine through that.  I may try that after I figure a few other things out.  I can also add color post work, but I like having the color rendered in, it just looks more natural.

Anyway, that’s all I wanted to say… was… I made lightbeams, and I’m happy as hell about it 🙂